SETU promotes access to education as well as technical, vocational and higher education, strengthens adult education, reduces gender disparity in education sector.
Education for all
SETU organizes and mobilizes CSOs, CBOs, parents, teachers, stakeholders and people in
general towards achieving education for all.
SETU facilitates 100% enrollment in primary schools. Since 1986 the NGO has been implementing mass education, functional education, adult education, non-formal primary education through conducting education centers. Beside these SETU has been Promoting Science Education (PSE) in secondary schools level through implementing different activities. In this perspective SETU undertakes need based, lifelong education and seeks to ensure the full enjoyment of the right to education.
Capacity Building
Capacity building is a routine work in SETU’s development program. SETU organizes different training programs for its staff members which are facilitated by senior staff of the organization. This training courses include:
- Organizational development
- Accounts Management
- HR Management
- Study and Survey
- Automation
Beside these SETU participated in different courses of national & international level such as interpersonal communication & risk management, use of digital media & internet for high impact, campaign on development issues and so on.